This section describes the steps required to download a version of the MCCCS Towhee program.
Contact towhee-bugs@lists.sourceforge.net if you
have any problems downloading this software.
Subscribing to the towhee-users mailing list
Information about significant feature enhancements and bug fixes is broadcast on the towhee-users mailing
list. In addition, this serves as a forum for users to ask questions about the use of the Towhee code.
If you wish to subscribe then you can do so on the SourceForge towhee-users website at
Traditional Download Instructions
The current version of the Towhee code is available for download from the MCCCS Towhee SourceForge website.
The link to that website is
- Once you have downloaded the code you need to open a terminal window and place that file in an appropriate directory.
Then GNU unzip it using the following commands on a unix machine (where xx.yy.zz is replaced with the version number of the download).
gunzip towhee-xx.yy.zz.tar.gz
tar -xf towhee-xx.yy.zz.tar
This will create a directory named
SVN Download Instructions
See the Developers Manual for instructions on checking out Towhee from the SVN repository
Compiling and Running Towhee
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