MCCCS Towhee: Publications



    This section contains a list of papers, books, and theses that either utilize the Towhee code, or at least reference it in their work. If you have published a paper using Towhee and wish to have it included here please contact Marcus Martin with the reference. The publications are arranged by year of publication and then alphabetical by author.
  • L. J. Abbott; K. E. Hart; C. M. Colina; "Polymatic: a generalized simulated polymerization algorithm for amorphous polymers", Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 132 1334 (2013).
  • A. Börjesson; E. Erdtman; P. Ahlström; M. Berlin; T. Andersson; K. Bolton; "Molecular modelling of oxygen and water permeation in polyethylene", Polymer 54 2988-2998 (2013).
  • A.-F. Cosseron; T. J. Daou; L. Tzanis; H. Nouali; I. Deroche; B. Coasne; V. Tchamber; "Adsorption of volatile organic compounds in pure silica CHA, *BEA, MFI and STT-type zeolites", Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 173 147-154 (2013).
  • K. E. Hart; L. J. Abbott; C. M. Colina; "Analysis of force fields and BET theory for polymers of intrinsic microporosity", Mol. Simulat. 39 397-404 (2013).
  • Y. Houndonougbo;, C. Signer; N. He; W. Morris; H. Furukawa; K. G. Ray; D. L. Olmsted; M. Asta; B. B. Laird; O. M. Yaghi; "A Combined Experimental-Computational Investigation of Methane Adsorption and Selectivity in a Series of Isoreticular Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks", J. Phys. Chem. C 117 10326-10335 (2013).
  • H. Manzano; L. Gartzia-Rivero; J. Bañuelos; I. López-Arbeloa; "Ultraviolet-Visible Dual Absorption by Single BODIPY Dye Confined in LTL Zeolite Nanochannels", J. Phys. Chem. C 117 13331-13336 (2013).
  • M. G. Martin; "MCCCS Towhee: a tool for Monte Carlo molecular simulation", Mol. Simulat. 39 1212-1222 (2013).
  • L. Narasimhan; B. Kuchta; O. Schaef; P. Brunet; P. Boulet; "Mechanism of adsorption of p-cresol uremic toxin into faujasite zeolites in presence of water and sodium cations - A Monte Carlo study", Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 173 70-77 (2013).
  • G. Raabe; "Molecular Simulation Studies on the Vapor-Liquid Phase Equilibria of Binary Mixtures of R-1234yf and R-1234ze(E) with R-32 and CO2", J. Chem. Eng. Data 58 1867-1873 (2013).
  • G. Raabe; "Molecular Simulation Studies on the Thermophysical Properties of the Refrigerant Blend R-445A", J. Chem. Eng. Data 58 3470-3476 (2013).
  • K. S. Rane; S. Murali; J. R. Errington; "Monte Carlo Simulation Methods for Computing Liquid-Vapor Saturation Properties of Model Systems", J. Chem. Theory Comput. 9 2552-2566 (2013).
  • Y. Sun; H. Sun; "Interactions of hydrogen molecules with complexes of lithium cation and aromatic nitrogen-containing heterocyclic anions", J. Mol. Model. 19 1641-1650 (2013).
  • V. S. Amar; K. M. Benjamin; "Molecular Simulation of Physisorption during Catalytic Supercritical Water Gasification", South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Dissertation (2012).
  • S. N. Chakraborty; L. D. Gelb; "A Monte Carlo Simulation Study of Methane Clathrate Hydrates Confined in Slit-Shaped Pores", J. Phys. Chem. B 116 2183-2197 (2012).
  • J. Feldt; R. A. Mata; J. M. Dieterich; "Atomdroid: A Computational Chemistry Tool for Mobile Platforms", J. Chem. Inf. Model. 52 1072-1078 (2012).
  • D. A. Gomez; A. F. Combariza; G. Sastre; "Confinement effects in the hydrogen adsorption on paddle wheel containing metal-organic frameworks", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14 2508-2517 (2012).
  • G. Kamath; M. Ketko; G. A. Baker; J. J. Potoff; "Monte Carlo predictions of phase equilibria and structure for dimethyl ether + sulfur dioxide and dimethyl ether + carbon dioxide", J. Chem. Phys. 136 044514 (2012).
  • D. Laage; W. H. Thompson; "Reorientation dynamics of nanoconfined water: Power-law decay, hydrogen-bond jumps, and test of a two-state model", J. Chem. Phys. 136 044513 (2012).
  • A. Lucia; B. M. Bonk; R. R. Waterman; A. Roy; "A multi-scale framework for multi-phase equilibrium flash", Computers and Chemical Engineering 36 79-98 (2012).
  • S. T. Meek; S. L. Teich-McGoldrick; J. J. Perry IV; J. A. Greathouse; M. D. Allendorf; "Effects of Polarizability on the Adsorption of Noble Gases at Low Pressures in Monohalogenated Isoreticular Metal-Organic Frameworks", J. Phys. Chem. C 116 19765-19772 (2012).
  • Y.-L. Miao; H. Sun; L. Wang; Y.-X. Sun; "Predicting Hydrogen Storage Performances in Porous Aromatic Frameworks Containing Carboxylate Functional Groups with Divalent Metallic Cations", Acta Phys. Chim. Sin. 28 547-554 (2012).
  • A. A. Milischuk; V. Krewald; B. M. Ladanyi; "Water dynamics in silica nanopores: The self-intermediate scattering functions", J. Chem. Phys. 136 224704 (2012).
  • S. Moodley; E. Johansson; K. Bolton; D. Ramjugernath; "Phase-dependent energy cross-parameters in a monatomic binary fluid system", Mol. Simulat. 38 838-849 (2012).
  • W. Morris; N. He; K. G. Ray; P. Klonowski; H. Furukawa; I. N. Daniels; Y. A. Houndonougbo; M. Asta; O. M. Yaghi; B. B. Laird; "A Combined Experimental-Computational Study on the Effect of Topology on Carbon Dioxide Adsorption in Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks", J. Phys. Chem. C 116 24084-24090 (2012).
  • E. Paulechka; K. Kroenlein; A. Kazakov; M. Frenkel; "A Systematic Approach for Development of an OPLS-Like Force Field and Its Application to Hydrofluorocarbons", J. Phys. Chem. B 116 14389-14397 (2012).
  • G. Raabe; "Molecular Modeling of Fluoropropene Refrigerants", J. Phys. Chem. B 116 5744-5751 (2012).
  • A. L. Robinson; V. Stavila; T. R. Zeitler; M. I. White; S. M. Thornberg; J. A. Greathouse; M. D. Allendorf; "Ultrasensitive Humidity Detection Using Metal-Organic Framework-Coated Microsensors", Anal. Chem. 84 7043-7051 (2012).
  • D. E. Spearot; A. Sudibjo; V. Ullal; A. Huang; "Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Diffusion of O2 and N2 Penetrants in Polydimethylsiloxane-Based Nanocomposites", J. Eng. Mat. Tech. 134 021013 (2012).
  • T. D. Tran; "Molecular Simulation of Carbon Dioxide Capture on Elastic Layered Metal-Organic Framework Adsorbents", University of Michigan Dissertation (2012).
  • K. Yu; J. R. Schmidt; "Many-body effects are essential in a physically motivated CO2 force field", J. Chem. Phys. 136 034503 (2012).
  • T. R. Zeitler; M. D. Allendorf; J. A. Greathouse; "Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulation of Low-Pressure Methane Adsorption in Nanoporous Framework Materials for Sensing Applications", J. Phys. Chem. C 116 3492-3502 (2012).
  • J. Dai; L. Wang; Y. Sun; L. Wang; H. Sun; "Prediction of thermodynamic, transport and vapor-liquid equilibrium properties of binary mixtures of ethylene glycol and water", Fluid Phase Equilibria 301 137-144 (2011).
  • S. Deublein; B. Eckl; J. Stoll; S. V. Lishchuk; G. Guevara-Carrion; C. W. Glass; T. Merker; M. Bernreuther; H. Hasse;, J. Vrabec; "ms2: A molecular simulation tool for thermodynamic properties" Computer Physics Communications 182 2350-2367 (2011).
  • C. Engin; T. Merker; J. Vrabec; H. Hass; "Flexible or rigid molecular models? A study on vapour-liquid equilibrium properties of ammonia", Mol. Phys. 109 619-624 (2011).
  • C. Engin; J. Vrabec; H. Hasse; "On the difference between a point multipole and an equivalent linear arrangement of point charges in force field models for vapour-liquid equilibria; partial charge based models for 59 real fluids", Mol. Phys. 109 1975-1982 (2011).
  • L. D. Gelb; S. N. Chakraborty; "Boiling point determination using adiabatic Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulations: Application to metals described by embedded-atom potentials", J. Chem. Phys. 135 224113 (2011).
  • S. Kondrat; N. Georgi; M. V. Fedorov; A. A. Kornyshev; "A superionic state in nano-porous double-layer capacitors: insights from Monte Carlo simulations", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13 11359-11366 (2011).
  • G. S. Larsen; P. Lin; K. E. Hart; C. M. Colina; "Molecular Simulations of PIM-1-like Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity", Macromolecules 44 6944-6951 (2011).
  • G. S. Larsen; P. Lin; F. R. Siperstein; C. M. Colina; "Methane adsorption in PIM-1", Adsorption 17 21-26 (2011).
  • D. D. Li; M. L. Greenfield; "High Internal Energies of Proposed Asphaltene Structures", Energy Fuels 25 3698-3705 (2011).
  • L. F. G. Martins; A. J. Palace Carvalho; J. P. Prates Ramalho; E. J. M. Filipe; "Excess Thermodynamic Properties of Mixtures Involving Xenon and Light Alkanes: A Study of Their Temperature Dependence by Computer Simulation", J. Phys. Chem. B 115 9745-9765 (2011).
  • A. A. Milischuk; B. M. Ladanyi; "Structure and dynamics of water confined in silica nanopores", J. Chem. Phys. 135 174709 (2011).
  • Ramanjaneyulu M; P. Silambujanaki; M. S. Kumar; "Novel Drug Design For Glaucoma and Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus : A Better Lead Design By Binding Free Energy Calculations", J. Comput. Method. Mol. Design 1 73-87 (2011).
  • L. Vlcek; A. A. Chialvo; D. R. Cole; "Optimized Unlike-Pair Interactions for Water-Carbon Dioxide Mixtures Described by the SPC/E and EPM2 Models", J. Phys. Chem. B 115 8775-8784 (2011).
  • A. Vrhovšek; O. Gereben; A. Jamnik; L. Pusztai; "Hydrogen Bonding and Molecular Aggregates in Liquid Methanol, Ethanol, and 1-Propanol", J. Phys. Chem. B 115 13473-13488 (2011).
  • L. Wang; Y. Sun; H. Sun; "Incorporating magnesium and calcium cations in porous organic frameworks for high-capacity hydrogen storage", Faraday Discuss. 151 143-156 (2011).
  • K. Yu; J. G. McDaniel; J. R. Schmidt; "Physically Motivated, Robust, ab Initio Force Fields for CO2 and N2", J. Phys. Chem. B 115 10054-10063 (2011).
  • P. Zhu; X. You; L. R. Pratt; K. D. Papadopoulos; "Generalizations of the Fuoss approximation for ion pairing", J. Chem. Phys. 134 054502 (2011).
  • X. Zhang; X. Han; W. Xu; "A Computer Simulation Study On Lewis Acid-Base Interactions And Cooperative C-H-O Weak Hydrogen Bonding In Various CO2 Complexes", J. Theor. Comput. Chem. 10 483-508 (2011).
  • S. Aparicio; M. Atilhan; "Molecular dynamics simulations of volumetric thermophysical properties of natural gases", ISBN 978-953-307-112-1 (2010).
  • D. Bessières; M.M. Piñeiro; G. De Ferron; F. Plantier; "Analysis of the orientational order effect on n-alkanes: Evidences on experimental response functions and description using Monte Carlo molecular simulation", J. Chem. Phys. 133 074507 (2010).
  • R. P. M. F. Bonifácio; L. F. G. Martins; C. McCabe; E. J. M. Filipe; "On the Behavior of Solutions of Xenon in Liquid n-Alkanes: Solubility of Xenon in n-Pentane and n-Hexane", J. Phys. Chem. B 114 15897-15904 (2010).
  • G. C. Boulougourisa; L. D. Peristeras; I. G. Economou; D. N. Theodorou; "Predicting fluid phase equilibrium via histogram reweighting with Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulations", J. of Supercritical Fluids 55 503-509 (2010).
  • D. Dellis; J. Samios; "Molecular force field investigation for Sulfur Hexafluoride: A computer simulation study", Fluid Phase Equilibria 291 81-89 (2010).
  • D. Dellis; I. Skarmoutsos; J. Samios; "Molecular simulations of benzene and hexafluorobenzene using new optimized effective potential models: Investigation of the liquid, vapor-liquid coexistence and supercritical fluid phases", J. Mol. Liquids 153 25-30 (2010).
  • M. Diaz Campos; "Uncertainties in Shale Gas in-place calculations: Molecular Simulation approach", University of Oklahoma thesis (2010).
  • X. Li; F. Li; Y. Shi; Q. Chena; H. Sun; "Predicting water uptake in poly(perfluorosulfonic acids) using force field simulation methods", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 14543-14552 (2010).
  • A. Maaβ; L. Nikitina; T. Clees; K. N. Kirschner; D. Reith; "Multi-objective optimisation on the basis of random models for ethylene oxide", Mol. Simulat. 36 1208-1218 (2010).
  • T. Merker; C. Engin; J. Vrabec; H. Hasse; "Molecular model for carbon dioxide optimized to vapor-liquid equilibria", J. Chem. Phys. 132 234512 (2010).
  • S. Moodley; K. Bolton; D. Ramjugernath; "Monte Carlo simulations of vapor-liquid-liquid equilibrium of some ternary petrochemical mixtures", Fluid Phase Equilibria 299 24-31 (2010).
  • S. Moodley; E. Johansson; K. Bolton; D. Ramjugernath; "Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulations of binary vapour-liquid-liquid equilibrium: application to n-hexane-water and ethane-ethanol systems", Mol. Simulat. 36 758-762 (2010).
  • W. Morris; B. Leung; H. Furukawa; O. K. Yaghi; N. He; H. Hayashi; Y. Houndonougbo; M. Asta; B. B. Laird; O. M. Yaghi; "A Combined Experimental-Computational Investigation of Carbon Dioxide Capture in a Series of Isoreticular Zeolitic Imidazolate Frameworks", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132 11006-11008 (2010).
  • L. Narasimhan; P. Boulet; B. Kuchta; C. Vagner; O. Schäf; R. Denoyel; "Adsorption of paracresol in silicalite-1 and pure silica faujasite. A comparison study using molecular simulation", Applied Surface Science 256 5470-5474 (2010).
  • A. J. Palace Carvalho; J. P. Prates Ramalho; "Molecular simulation of C60 adsorption onto a TiO2 rutile (1 1 0) surface", Applied Surface Science 256 5365-5369 (2010).
  • E. Paulechka; A. Kazakov; M. Frenkel; "Monte Carlo Simulation of Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for Perfluoropropane (R-218) and 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoropropene (R-1234yf)", International Journal of Thermophysics 31 462-474 (2010).
  • G. Raabe; E. J. Maginn; "A Force Field for 3,3,3-fluoro-1-propenes, including HFO-1234yf", J. Phys. Chem. B. 114 10133-10142 (2010).
  • G. Raabe; E. J. Maginn; "Molecular Modeling of the Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Properties of the Alternative Refrigerant 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoro-1-propene (HFO-1234yf)", J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 1 93-96 (2010).
  • M. Tafipolsky; S. Amirjalayer; R. Schmid; "Atomistic theoretical models for nanoporous hybrid materials", Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 129 304-318 (2010).
  • A. Vrhovšek; O. Gereben; S. Pothoczki; M. Tomšič; A. Jamnik; S. Kohara; L. Pusztai; "An approach towards understanding the structure of complex molecular systems: the case of lower aliphatic alcohols", J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. 22 404214 (2010).
  • I. Vyalov; M. Kiselev; T. Tassaing; J. C. Soetens; A. Idrissi; "Investigation of the Local Structure in Sub and Supercritical Ammonia Using the Nearest Neighbor Approach: A Molecular Dynamics Analysis", J. Phys. Chem. B 114 15003-15010 (2010).
  • W. Xu; J. Yang; "A Computer Simulation Study on Self- and Cross-Aggregation of Multiple Polar Species in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide", J. Phys. Chem. A 114 5414-5428 (2010).
  • W. Xu; J. Yang; "Computer Simulations on Aggregation of Acetic Acid in the Gas Phase, Liquid Phase, and Supercritical Carbon Dioxide", J. Phys. Chem. A 114 5377-5388 (2010).
  • L. Zhang; M. L. Greenfield; "Rotational relaxation times of individual compounds within simulations of molecular asphalt models", J. Chem. Phys. 132 184502 (2010).
  • S. Aparicio; R. Alcaldea; "The green solvent ethyl lactate: an experimental and theoretical characterization", Green Chem. 11 65-78 (2009).
  • D. A. Bernard-Brunel; J. J. Potoff; "Effect of torsional potential on the predicted phase behavior of n-alkanes", Fluid Phase Equilibria 279 100-104 (2009).
  • P. Boulet; L. Narasimhan; D. Berg'e-Lefranc; B. Kuchta; O. Schäf; R. Denoyel; "Adsorption into the MFI zeolite of aromatic molecule of biological relevance. Investigations by Monte Carlo simulations". J. Mol. Model. 15 573-579 (2009).
  • J. K. Brennan; M. Lisal; "CECAM Workshop:'Dissipative particle dynamics: addressing deficiencies and establishing new frontiers'(16-18 July 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland) Report" Mol. Simulat. 35 766-769 (2009).
  • M. Büttner; L. Xiao; L. Mandeltort; S. Edington; J. K. Johnson; J. T. Yates Jr.; "Enhancement of Adsorption Inside Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Li Doping Effect on n-Heptane van der Waals Bonding", J. Phys. Chem. C 113 4829-4838 (2009).
  • J. Fu; H. Sun; "An Ab Initio Force Field for Predicting Hydrogen Storage in IRMOF Materials", J. Phys. Chem. C 113 21815-21824 (2009).
  • J. A. Greathouse; T. L. Kinnibrugh; M. D. Allendorf; "Adsorption and Separation of Noble Gases by IRMOF-1: Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulations", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 48 3425-3431 (2009).
  • T. S. Gulmen; W. H. Thompson; "Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulations of Acetonitrile Filling of Silica Pores of Varying Hydrophilicity/Hydrophobicity", Langmuir 25 1103-1111 (2009).
  • K. E. Gutowski; B. Gurkan; E. J. Maginn; "Force field for the atomistic simulation of the properties of hydrazine, organic hydrazine derivatives, and energetic hydrazinium ionic liquids", Pure Appl. Chem. 81 1799-1828 (2009).
  • B. B. Laird; Y. A. Houndonougbo; K. Kuczera; "Phase Equilibrium, Structure, and Transport Properties of Carbon-Dioxide Expanded Liquids: A Molecular Simulation Study", ACS Symposium Series 1006 41-65 (2009).
  • A. Lajovic, M. Tomšič, G. Fritz-Popovski, L. Vlček and A. Jamnik, "Exploring the Structural Properties of Simple Aldehydes: A Monte Carlo and Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Study", J. Phys. Chem. B 113 9429-9435 (2009).
  • Y. Liu; X. Li; L. Wang; H. Sun; "Prediction of partition coefficients and infinite dilution activity coefficients of 1-ethylpropylamine and 3-methyl-1-pentanol using force field methods", Fluid Phase Equilibria 285 19-23 (2009).
  • L. Liu; L. Zhao; H. Sun; "Simulation of NH3 Temperature-Programmed Desorption Curves Using an ab Initio Force Field", J. Phys. Chem. C 113 16051-16057 (2009).
  • E. J. Maginn; "From discovery to data: What must happen for molecular simulation to become a mainstream chemical engineering tool", AIChE J. 55 1304-1310 (2009).
  • L. Narasimhan; P. Boulet; B. Kuchta; O. Schaef; R. Denoyel; P. Brunet; "Molecular Simulations of Water and Paracresol in MFI Zeolite - A Monte Carlo Study", Langmuir 25 11598-11607 (2009).
  • J. P. O'Connell; R. Gani; P. M. Mathias; G. Maurer; J. D. Olson; P. A. Crafts; "Thermodynamic Property Modeling for Chemical Process and Product Engineering: Some Perspectives", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 48 4619-4637 (2009).
  • R. B. Rankin; J. Liu; A. D. Kulkarni; J. K. Johnson; "Adsorption and Diffusion of Light Gases in ZIF-68 and ZIF-70: A Simulation Study", J. Phys. Chem. C 113 16906-16914 (2009).
  • N. Sokkalingam; G. Kamath; M. Coscione; J. J. Potoff; "Extension of the Transferable Potentials for Phase Equilibria Force Field to Dimethylmethyl Phosphonate, Sarin, and Soman", J. Phys. Chem. B 113 10292-10297 (2009).
  • C. M. Tenney; "Molecular Simulation of Carbon Dioxide Adsorption for Carbon Capture and Storage", University of Michigan Dissertation (2009).
  • A. O. Yazaydin; R. W. Thompson; "Computing Adsorbate/Adsorbent Binding Energies and Henry's Law Constants from Molecular Simulations", Environmental Engineering Science 26 297-304 (2009).
  • Andreas Vitalis; Rohit V. Pappu; "Chapter 3 Methods for Monte Carlo Simulations of Biomacromolecules", Annual Reports in Computational Chemistry 5 49-76 (2009).
  • F. H. Case; J. Brennan; A. Chaka; K. D. Dobbs; D. G. Friend; P. A. Gordon; J. D. Moore; R. D. Mountain; J. D. Olson; R. B. Ross; M. Schiller; V. K. Shen; E. A. Stahlberg; "The fourth industrial fluid properties simulation challenge", Fluid Phase Equilibria 274 2-9 (2008).
  • B. Eckl; J. Vrabec; H. Hasse; "On the application of force fields for predicting a wide variety of properties: Ethylene oxide as an example", Fluid Phase Equilibria 274 16-26 (2008).
  • A. L. Frischknecht; M. G. Martin; "Simulation of the Adsorption of Nucleotide Monophosphates on Carbon Nanotubes in Aqueous Solution", J. Phys. Chem. C 112 6271-6278 (2008).
  • M. H. Ketko; J. Rafferty; J. I. Siepmann; J. J. Potoff; "Development of the TraPPE-UA force field for ethylene oxide", Fluid Phase Equilibria 274 44-49 (2008).
  • X. Li; L. Zhao; T. Cheng; L. Liu; H. Sun; "One force field for predicting multiple thermodynamic properties of liquid and vapor ethylene oxide", Fluid Phase Equilibria 274 36-43 (2008).
  • X.-F. Li; L.-F. Zhao; H, Sun; "Comparison of GEMC and GDI Methods in Prediction of the Fluid Vapor-liquid Equilibrium", Acta Phys. Chim. Sin. 24 1824-1830 (2008).
  • L. Liu; J. Fu; H. Sun; "Prediction of adsorption of small molecules in porous materials based on ab initio force field method", Science in China Series B: Chemistry 51 760-767 (2008).
  • C. D. Lorenz; J. Faraudo; A. Travesset; "Hydrogen Bonding and Binding of Polybasic Residues with Negatively Charged Mixed Lipid Monolayers", Langmuir 24 1654-1658 (2008).
  • T. Merker; J. Vrabec; H. Hasse; "Comment on "An optimized potential for carbon dioxide" [ J. Chem. Phys. 122, 214507 (2005) ]", J. Chem. Phys. 129 087101 (2008).
  • T.J. Müller, S. Roy, W. Zhao, A. Maaβ and D. Reith, "Economic simplex optimization for broad range property prediction: Strengths and weaknesses of an automated approach for tailoring of parameters", Fluid Phase Equilibria 274 27-35 (2008).
  • A. S. Paluch; V. K. Shen; J. R. Errington; "Comparing the Use of Gibbs Ensemble and Grand-Canonical Transition-Matrix Monte Carlo Methods to Determine Phase Equilibria", Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 47 4533-4541 (2008).
  • D. Sabo; S. Varma; M. G. Martin; S. B. Rempe; "Studies of the Thermodynamic Properties of Hydrogen Gas in Bulk Water", J. Phys. Chem. B 112 867-876 (2008).
  • W. Shi; E. J. Maginn; "Improvement in molecule exchange efficiency in Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo: Development and implementation of the continuous fractional component move", J. Comp. Chem. 29 2520-2530 (2008).
  • M. Tsige; G. S. Grest; "Surface Tension and Surface Orientation of Perfluorinated Alkanes", J. Phys. Chem. C 112 5029-5035 (2008).
  • M. A. Wyczalkowski; R. V. Pappu; "Satisfying the Fluctuation Theorem in Free Energy Calculations with Hamiltonian Replica Exchange", Phys. Rev. E 77 026104-026114 (2008).
  • L. Zhang; M. L. Greenfield; "Effects of Polymer Modification on Properties and Microstructure of Model Asphalt Systems", Energy Fuels 22 3363-3375 (2008).
  • F. H. Case; J. Brennan; A. Chaka; K. D. Dobbs; D. G. Friend; D. Frurip; P. A. Gordon; J. Moore; R. D. Mountain; J. Olson; R. B. Ross; M. Schiller; V. K. Shen; "The third industrial fluid properties simulation challenge", Fluid Phase Equilibria 260 153-163 (2007).
  • N. Hansen; F. A. B. Agbor; F. J. Keil; "New force fields for nitrous oxide and oxygen and their application to phase equilibria simulations", Fluid Phase Equilibria 259 180-188 (2007).
  • Y. Houndonougbo; K. Kuczerab; B. Subramaniam; B. B. Laird; "Prediction of phase equilibria and transport properties in carbon-dioxide expanded solvents by molecular simulation", Mol. Simulat. 33 861-869 (2007).
  • A. E. Ismail; M. Tsige; P.J. Int Veld; G. S. Grest; "Surface tension of normal and branched alkanes", Mol. Phys. 105 3155-3163 (2007).
  • P. Kondratyuk; Y. Wang; J. Liu; J. K. Johnson; J. T. Yates Jr.; "Inter- and Intratube Self-Diffusion in n-Heptane Adsorbed on Carbon Nanotubes", J. Phys. Chem. C 111 4578-4584 (2007).
  • R. R. Kotdawala; A. O. Yazaydin; N. Kazantzis; R. W. Thompson; "A molecular simulation approach to the study of adsorption of hydrogen cyanide and methyl ethyl ketone in silicalite, mordenite and zeolite beta structures", Mol. Simulat. 33 843-850 (2007).
  • T. J. McIntosh, editor; "Methods in Molecular Biology 398 Lipid Rafts", ISBN 13: 978-1-58829-729-7 (2007).
  • A. J. Palace Carvalho; J. P. Prates Ramalho; L. F. G. Martins; "Excess Thermodynamics of Mixtures Involving Xenon and Light Linear Alkanes by Computer Simulation", J. Phys. Chem. B 111 6437-6443 (2007).
  • A. Palace Carvalho; J. P. Prates Ramalho; F. Villiéras; "Simulation study of argon adsorption on (0 0 1) faces of phyllosilicates", Applied Surface Science 253 5628-5632 (2007).
  • G. Raabe; R. J. Sadus; "Influence of bond flexibility on the vapor-liquid phase equilibria of water", J. Chem. Phys. 126 044701 (2007).
  • G. U. Rakhmatkariev; A. J. Palace Carvalho; J. P. Prates Ramalho; "Adsorption of Normal Pentane on the Surface of Rutile. Experimental Results and Simulations", Langmuir 23 7555-7561 (2007).
  • G. U. Rakhmatkariev; A. J. Palace Carvalho; J. P. Prates Ramalho; "Experimental and Simulation Study of n-Heptane Adsorption on Rutile", Adsorption Science and Technology 25 517-530 (2007).
  • A. O. Yazaydin; "Molecular Simulation of the Adsorption of Organics from Water", Worcester Polytechnic Institute Dissertation (2007).
  • A. O. Yazaydin; M. G. Martin; "Bubble Point Pressure Estimates from Gibbs Ensemble Simulations", Fluid Phase Equilibria 260 195-198 (2007).
  • L. Zhang; M. L. Greenfield; "Analyzing Properties of Model Asphalts Using Molecular Simulation", Energy Fuels 21 1712-1716 (2007).
  • L. Zhang; M. L. Greenfield; "Molecular Orientation in Model Asphalts Using Molecular Simulation", Energy Fuels 21 1102-1111 (2007).
  • L. Zhang; M. L. Greenfield; "Relaxation time, diffusion, and viscosity analysis of model asphalt systems using molecular simulation", J. Chem. Phys. 127 194502 (2007).
  • L. Zhao; L. Liu; H. Sun; "Semi-ionic Model for Metal Oxides and Their Interfaces with Organic Molecules", J. Phys. Chem. C 111 10610-10617 (2007).
  • L. Zhao; X. Wang; L. Wang; H. Sun; "Prediction of shear viscosities using periodic perturbation method and OPLS force field", Fluid Phase Equilibria 260 212-217 (2007).
  • S. Clifford; K. Bolton; D. Ramjugernath; "Monte Carlo Simulation of Carboxylic Acid Phase Equilibria", J. Phys. Chem. B 110 21938-21943 (2006).
  • Y. Houndonougbo; J.-X. Guo; G. H. Lushington; B. Laird; "Monte Carlo simulations of CO2-expanded acetonitrile", Mol. Phys. 104 2955-2960 (2006).
  • Y. Houndonougbo; H. Jin; B. Rajagopalan; K. Wong; K. Kuczera; B. Subramaniam; B. Laird; "Phase Equilibria in Carbon Dioxide Expanded Solvents: Experiments and Molecular Simulations", J. Phys. Chem. B 110 13195-13202 (2006).
  • P. A. Gordon; "Development of intermolecular potentials for predicting transport properties of hydrocarbons", J. Chem. Phys. 125 014504 (2006).
  • M. G. Martin "Comparison of the AMBER, CHARMM, COMPASS, GROMOS, OPLS, TraPPE and UFF force fields for Prediction of vapor-liquid coexistence curves and liquid densities", Fluid Phase Equilib. 248 50-55 (2006).
  • M. G. Martin and A. L. Frischknecht, "Using arbitrary trial distributions to improve intramolecular sampling in configurational-bias Monte Carlo", Mol. Phys. 104 2439-2456 (2006).
  • D. Sabo, S. B. Rempe, J. A. Greathouse, and M. G. Martin, "Molecular studies of the structural properties of hydrogen gas in bulk water", Mol. Simulat. 32 269-278 (2006).
  • L. Sun; J. I. Siepmann; and M. R. Schure; "Conformation and Solvation Structure for an Isolated n-Octadecane Chain in Water, Methanol, and Their Mixtures", J. Phys. Chem. B 110 10519-10525 (2006).
  • S. Ulas; U.M. Diwekar; "Efficient molecular simulations for environmentally benign processes", Mol. Simulat. 32 315-329 (2006).
  • A. O. Yazaydin; R. W. Thompson; "Molecular Simulation of the Adsorption of MTBE in Silicalite, Mordenite and Zeolite Beta", Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 14458-14462 (2006).
  • A. O. Yazaydin; R. W. Thompson; "Simulating the vapour-liquid equilibria of 1,4-dioxane", Mol. Simulat. 32 657-662 (2006).
  • N. Du Preez; "Determination of Phase Equilibria for Long-chain Linear Hydrocarbons by Monte Carlo Simulation.", University of KwaZulu/Natal Masters Thesis (2005).
  • L. J. D. Frink; M. Martin; "A combined molecular simulation-molecular theory method applied to a polyatomic molecule in dense solvent", Condens. Matter Phys. 8 271-280 (2005).
  • D. Katramatos; S. J. Chapin; "A Cost/Benefit Estimating Service for Mapping Parallel Applications on Heterogeneous Clusters", Cluster Computing. IEEE International 1-12 (2005).
  • M. G. Martin; M. J. Biddy; "Monte Carlo Molecular Simulation Predictions for the Heat of Vaporization of Acetone and Butyramide", Fluid Phase Equil. 236 53-57 (2005).
  • F. Case; A. Chaka; D. G. Friend; D. Frurip; J. Golab; R. Johnson; J. Moore; R. D. Mountain; J. Olson; M. Schiller; J. Storer; "The first industrial fluid properties simulation challenge", Fluid Phase Equilibria 217 1-10 (2004).
  • E. Jaramillo; M. Chandross; "Adsorption of Small Molecules in LTA Zeolites. 1. NH3, CO2, and H2O in Zeolite 4A", J. Phys. Chem. B 108 20155-20159 (2004).
  • G. Kamath; F. Cao; J. J. Potoff; "An Improved Force Field for the Prediction of the Vapor-Liquid Equilibria of Carboxylic Acids", J. Phys. Chem. B 108 14130-14136 (2004).
  • M. G. Martin; A. P. Thompson; "Industrial property prediction using Towhee and LAMMPS", Fluid Phase Equil. 217 105-110 (2004).
  • A. Narayanan; "Molecular Simulation of R-245fa with Pentane", Tennessee Tech Masters Thesis (2003).
  • T. van der Straaten; G. Kathawala; U. Ravaioli; "BioMOCA: A Transport Monte Carlo Model for Ion Channels", J. Comp. Elec. 2 231-237 (2003).
  • G.S. Heffelfinger; A. Martino; A. Gorin; Y. Xu; M.D. Rintoul III; A. Geist; H.M. Al-Hashimi; G.S. Davidson; J.L. Faulon; L.J. Frink; D.M. Haaland; W.E. Hart; E. Jakobsson; T. Lane; M. Li, P. Locascio; F. Olken; V. Olman; B. Palenik; S.J. Plimpton; D.C. Roe; N.F. Samatova; M. Shah; A. Shoshoni; C.E.M. Strauss; E.V. Thomas; J.A. Timlin; D. Xu; "Carbon Sequestration in Synechococcus Sp.: From Molecular Machines to Hierarchical Modeling", OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology 6 305-330 (2002).
  • M. Chandross; E.B. Webb III; G.S. Grest; M.G. Martin; A.P. Thompson; M.W. Roth; "Dynamics of Exchange at Gas-Zeolite Interfaces I: Pure Component n-Butane and Isobutane", J. Phys. Chem. B 105 5700-5712 (2001).
  • M.G. Martin; A.P. Thompson; T.M. Nenoff; "Effect of pressure, membrane thickness, and placement of control volumes on the flux of methane through thin silicalite membranes: A dual control volume grand canonical molecular dynamics study", J. Chem. Phys. 114 7174-7181 (2001).
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